This week, I had the absolute pleasure of spending the afternoon with @krystalbarter who is the founder and CEO of @pinkhopeaus.

I was blown away with the incredible work Pink Hope does in breast cancer prevention and Krystal’s personal story is just unbelievable.

I am excited about how we will are going to working together over the coming months to help spread the #pinkhope message and help empower mums in this very very important field.

The risk we need to know

If you are a woman and at high risk or carry a BRCA gene mutation your cancer risk could be

  • Up to 72% risk of developing breast cancer (up to age 80)
  • Up to 44% risk of developing ovarian cancer (up to age 80)
  • 50% is the likelihood a BRCA gene mutation is passed onto a child

To find out your risk – go to the Pink Hope site here

Follow Rhian on instagram @Rhianbusyallen