Last week I was super excited to do my first Podcast with Woman’s Day on how I started my Healthy Mummy business and what it was like to be a mum running a very full on business.
It was all very off the cuff and not prepared, but hopefully I gave some useful information and insights to other mums in business!
They just popped up on their website about it too.
“Welcome to the very first episode in our How To Be…podcast series. We’re getting into the nitty gritty of the topics and concerns that interest you. From how to be five kilos lighter to how to be fearless in the workforce, we’re grilling the experts and getting the answers to all the questions curious women ask.
With a focus on the issues that matter to women most, it seems fitting to kick-off the series with a real femme force. Enter: Rhian Allen of The Healthy Mummy.
Women’s Day Executive Editor Claire Isaac sat down with Rhian to find out how to be a mumpreneur and what it takes to run Australia’s largest parenting health site for mums.
Listen to advice from Rhian Allen of The Healthy Mummy now…
Rhian Allen was six months pregnant with her first child when she launched her online community, The Healthy Mummy. Feeling there was a lack of support and information for first-time mums, Rhian saw an opportunity to establish a platform to help new mums get back on their feet.
“After you have kids you’ve got a whole different list of priorities.” she says, “Your health can suffer. It was all about empowering [women] to learn to be healthy and I really wanted to set up a system, a network, a product, to help mums actually do that.”
Rhian’s passion for empowering mothers was so strong she decided to leave her 12-year-long career in advertising, sell her house and invest all her finances into her new project. It took three years before she made a profit, but seven years after its launch, Rhian’s company now employs over 150 people across Australia and New Zealand, and has an online following of more than one million people.
In a relatively new business environment, rife with competition thanks to the flush of mumprenuers and mummy bloggers (find out what Rhian thinks of that term in our podcast), how does she manage to keep The Healthy Mummy relevant and profitable?
Follow me on instagram @rhianbusyallen